December 15, 2020. A second working meeting of the members of the Coordinating Body of the partners in the project “Hybridization of Specialized English Learning for Security Professionals (HELPSec)” was held via the MS Teams platform.
The moderator of the meeting Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Georgieva informed the participants about the activities done between the two meetings at Rakovski National Defence College (RNDC), namely: Project’s website and platform design, internal administrative orders of the Commandant regarding the Project organisation and the RNDC Project Team; design of a Work Plan with a time schedule for the project activities; preparation of a draft detailed curriculum for Module 2 of the “Hybrid English Language Course for Security Professionals”.
The IT specialist – Col. Dr Petko Dimov, had prepared a guide with instructions about the practical work on project activities design and the platform functionalities.
Assist. Prof. Sofia Menezes from Academia Militar (AM) suggested a draft Assessment Scale for evaluating learning materials, a draft Monitoring matrix of the project activities and a Sample concise Curriculum for Module 3. After some discussions it was decided that both suggested Curricula can be used: the detailed one – as part of Teacher’s Notes while the concise one can be introduced in the description of each Module.
Martin Frood from Swedish Defence University raised some important questions regarding the need of Teacher’s Notes, the unification of all Modules, the usage of authentic materials (e.g. videos of real military briefings) for designing learning activities, the utilization of NATO terminology and templates in the study materials.
The very productive discussions and the reached agreements on various technical and methodological issues encouraged all the participants to gain confidence in the feasibility of the Project tasks and to continue with their research work on designing study materials of high quality for their target group.
The next meeting was scheduled for 2 February, 2021.