On 10 May 2021, the 6th online HELPSec project meeting was conducted via MS Teams. Five participants from Rakovski National Defence College, four from Academia Militar and two from Swedish Defence University (SDU) took part in it.
At the beginning of the meeting Valentina Georgieva confirmed the extension of the project’s duration due to the COVID-19 situation till 28 Feb 2023 by the National Agency (NA). The 6-moth extension applies to the submitting of the interim report, too. Dr Sofia Menezes raised the question of the schedule of the money transfer. It will be checked with the NA and rescheduled if necessary.
The following issues were also discussed:
- The Joint Curriculum: Ms Tanya Necheva presented the draft curriculum for Module 2, while Dr Sofia Menezes presented the draft curriculum for Module 3. After some discussions, the partners agreed that they will further develop the curricula for the rest of the modules, following the hybrid version of both models which were presented. The discussions also focused on the language-specific difficulties on the learners from different countries and it was agreed that this aspect of the international project is worth further academic research. The final draft will be discussed at the transnational meeting (TM) in Lisbon which has been re-scheduled for 1-2 July.
- Design and upload of new activities: Swedish parthers will send their activities to the IT specialists from RNDC. Unfortunately, Mr Martin Frood will not be able to work on the project tasks due to health issues and his substitute will be Ms Catrine Modig.
- Considering the work load at the partner institutions, the TM was re-scheduled for 1-2 July with the hope that more participants will be able to travel to Lisbon.
- Miscellaneous: The submitted 5 logos for the project (1 from RNDC and 4 from SDU) have been voted for by 26 April by 90 representatives (teachers and students) from the 3 institutions and the logo of RNDC has been voted by the majority of them, so the logo can be used on the documents of the project.
The next online project meeting will be conducted on 8 June 2021.