On 08 April 2021, the 5th online HELPSec project meeting was conducted via MS Teams.
Five participants from Rakovski National Defence College, three from Academia Militar and three from Swedish Defence University took part in it. At the beginning of the meeting Mr Karolina Karlstrom raised the issue of the possibility for extending the project’s duration due to the COVID-19 situation and restrictions which it imposes for transnational meetings. Valentina Georgieva will discuss the problem with the National Agency.
The following issues were also discussed and agreed:
- The templates of the documents regarding the financial organisation/monitoring and accounting. The tempaltes and the accompanying documentation titled General Instructions-Financial Statement were provided by Academia Militar and adapted for the specifics of the HELPSec project. The sample templates were uploaded on the project’s group on the Microsoft TEAMS platform. The financial tables will be filled in by the financial managers of each partner institution on a regular basis. Each project team will create its own MS TEAMS group.
- Tempaltes of forms for transnational meetings, multiplier events, time sheets, quarterly reports and working hours were also presented.
- Curriculum: the partners agreed that they need to focus their attention on elaborating on each Module and Unit’s goals, language functions, types of study activities and timing of the activities. Its final draft will be discussed at the transnational meeting (TM) in Lisbon re-scheduled for 12-13 May due to the pandemic situation. By 26 April the partners will present their drafts on the curriculum.
- Progress on the stady materials design: Valentina Georgieva appreciated the activities designed by Orla Fehrling with the help of the LearningApps and suggested ways of incorporating more of such activities in the Modules. Portuguese and Swedish colleagues still have problems with uploading their materials on the project platform that is why everybody is looking forward to the TM in Lisbon. Sofia Menezes explained that they are trialling the activities with cadets at AM with the revised Feedback form for evaluating of learning materials in which they added time for doing the task. She offered trialling other partners’ activities as well which was gladly accepted. The importance of pre-trialling of the materials by the teachers was stressed.
- Project logo: Karolina Karlstrom presented 2 new versions of the project logo. Valentina Georgieva suggested that the 3 versions are voted for by as many colleagues as possible. Col Petko Dimov will design the questionnaire.
- Some miscellaneous issues were also discussed: the current restrictions for travelling to Portugal for travellers from Bulgaria and Sweden. By 16 April Sofia Menezes will update the partners on the situation in Portugal so that the trip is organised for the TM. The best options for financing the TM were considered as the granted 1520 euros for 2 people could not be sufficient to cover the expenses. Sofia Menezes presented the language conference which AM organises in Lisbon in October and invited everybody to participate in it. Valentina Georgieva also invited all the colleagues to participate in the conference which will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Language Department at RNDC. The conference will be in November 2021.
Depending on the COVID situation, the next project meeting will be the TM in Lisbon on 12-13 May if the situation allows or earlier in an online format. It will be decided on 26 April.