On 11 March 2021, the 4th online HELPSec project meeting was conducted via MS Teams. Five participants from Rakovski National Defence College, three from Academia Militar and three from Swedish National Defenec University took part in it.
The following issues were discussed:
- Project logo: Sofia Menezes and Karolina Karlstrom suggested simplifying the logo designed by RNDC. They will present their versions by 26 March so that some project leaflets and popularising materials are prepared, ordered, and printed.
- Curriculum: it was uploaded on the HELPSec forum and some changes/additions have been considered. Its final draft will be discussed at the transnational meeting (TM) in Lisbon planned for the last week of April.
- Issues to be discussed during the TM in Lisbon.
- Progress on the materials design: the participants shared their feeling about the process of learning materials which takes longer than expected because of the specifics of the LMS.
- Feedback on the materials which have been trialled so far: Valentina Georgieva and Tanya Necheva presented the results of the feedback they had received on Unit 1 from Modules 1 &2 from trainees. They underlined the fact that the activities they trialled were draft versions to check how the system works and to get information about the timing of the activities. Some specific examples of types of possible mistakes/difficulties with the learning materials design were also communicated (e.g. matching activities, length of videos, sequence of actvities). Sofia Menezes also shared feedback on the learning materials which have been trialled with cadets from AM, but not on the project’s platform.
Martin Frood raised the issue of the importance of clearly defining and presenting Unit aims to provide meaningfulness of the activities to the students.
- Assessment grid: changes have been made after recieving the 1st feedback. Some more changes were discussed and agreed.
- Finances: the 1st transfer of 20 % of the money has been received by the partners. Sofia Menezes suggested an online meeting of the financial advisors. It will be arranged in the next week.
- Orla Fehrling requested an online meeting with the IT specialists for instructions on uploading materials and it will be conducted next week.