On 29.04.2022 the 12th online HELPSec project meeting was conducted via MSTeams.
Three participants from Rakovski National Defence College (Anelia Hristova, Georgi Marinov, Tanya Necheva), three from Academia Militar (Sofia Menezes, Olga Duarte, Florbela Raabe) and one from Swedish Defence University ( Diana Nilsson) participated in it.
The meeting started with expressing special thanks to Lydia Sundh for her work on the e-book, and discussing some aspects of the book (size of the icons on the pages, photo material on the pages – size, type, etc., sending the e-book to colleagues for review and feedback).
Next, the following tasks were discusses:
- Multiplier Events (ME) in September in Portugal; ME in Bulgaria; the TPM in Lisbon on June 30 – July 1.
- Readiness to prepare and submit all the materials for the e-book by May 31.
- Quarterly reports and financial transfers.
The next online meeting is scheduled for May 31, 2022