First Meeting - Hybridisation of Specialised English Learning for Security Professionals

On November 25, 2020, the first organisational transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project for Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education entitled “HYBRIDISATION OF SPECIALISED ENGLISH LEARNING FOR SECURITY PROFESSIONALS” was held. The meeting was conducted on the MS Teams platform.
Representatives of the three partner institutions participating in the project were present: Rakovski National Defence College, the Swedish Defence University and the Military Academy of Portugal.
Some important issues related to the successful implementation of the project objectives were discussed. The greatest attention was paid to the development of hybrid learning content for the course “Specialised English for Security Specialists”, in which 50% of the content is going to be interactive and in e-format so that it becomes an integral part of the learning process both in face-to-face and online modes of learning.
The participants decided on their current project tasks: establishing a Work Plan of the project activities, generating ideas on the content of the training modules and developing preliminary descriptions of each module, based on which the training materials will be developed.